Mystery Maker of Crop Circle, Alien or Human?

crop circle

A crop circle is a strange pattern that usually appears on a field that is broad like a rice field. Sometimes it also happens in sand, ice, even under the sea. About five thousand more crop circles have been reported to appear in more than 40 countries around the world. In the 20th century, about 26 countries have reported 10,000 crop circles, most of them located near ancient relics, such as Stonehenge.

A more recent crop circle history report was republished (by Nature, volumes 22, pp. 290-291, 29 July 1880) in the January 2000 Journal of Meteorology. It describes an investigation by amateur scientist John Rand Capron: "The storm about this part of Surrey has recently been local and the effect it has had in some cases has been intriguing. While visiting a neighboring farm on Wednesday night (21), we found a standing wheat field collapsed, not the whole but only bits and pieces. small, when viewed from a distance, forming circular spots.I could not find any trace that caused strange patterns in the field, or whether it was caused by wind or rain, or a combination of both outside the general evidence of heavy rain. some possible cyclone winds, ... "

In 1966 one of the most famous records of UFO traces took place in the small town of Tully, Queensland, Australia. A sugar cane farmer said that he witnessed a plate-shaped object rising 30 or 40 feet from the swamp and then flew away, and when he went to investigate the location where the plane had landed, he found reeds that weaved in a clockwise direction on the water.

Crop Circle became prominent in the late 1970s because there are many people found it in rural England. The crop circle phenomenon became widely known in the late 1980s, after the media began reporting crop circles in Hampshire and Wiltshire. To date, around 12,000 crop circles have been found in various locations around the world, ranging from locations such as the former Soviet Union, Britain and Japan, and the U.S. and Canada. Skeptics note the correlation between crop circles, current media coverage, and the absence of vandalism and/or anti-violation regulations.

Although farmers have expressed concern over the damage done to their crops, local responses to crop circles are often enthusiastic, and local residents use them as tourism potential. Includes bus or helicopter tours at circle locations, walking tours, t-shirts and book sales. Potential markets include curious tourists, plant circle scientists and researchers, and individuals who seek spiritual experiences by praying and communicating with spirits. In 1996 a circle appeared near Stonehenge, and the farmer set up a booth and charged a fee. He collected £ 30,000 in four weeks. The harvest value may be around £ 150.

A grain pattern of about 150 feet in diameter with plants placed in a counter-clockwise circle found on May 14, 2007, by the Patrol Captain of the Monroe County Public Works Department, Tennessee, Sheriff Bryan Graves while flying. Many crop circles now have fine intricate details, regular symmetry, and careful composition. Three-dimensional elements become more frequent, culminating in a spectacular picture of a cube-shaped structure.

After being announced by several creators, crop circle activities skyrocketed. Each new design tries to be more complex than the previous one. Nowadays, the design of crop circles has increased in complexity to the point where they have become an art form in and of themselves.

Plant circle maker John Lundberg, in an interview with Mark Pilkington, talk about changes in the design of crop circles, "I am somewhat envious of circle makers in other countries. Expectations about the size and complexity of the formations that appear in the UK are very high now, while formations Russia is rather shabby making national news. Even Vasily Belchenko, deputy secretary of the Russian Security Council, is in a gushing place about its origins: 'There is no doubt that it is not man-made ... an unknown object must have landed there If the formation the same ones appearing in England, will certainly be ignored by researchers and the media alike."

A triple set of Julia, which was widely considered to be the peak of the crop circle formation, was found on Windmill Hill near Yatesbury, Wiltshire on July 7, 1996. It was measured 900 x 500 feet (150 m), with 151 circles. In 1991, two men from Southampton, England announced that they had understood the idea as a joke in a pub near Winchester, Hampshire one night in 1976. Inspired by the 1966 Tully Party Nest, Doug Bower and Dave Chorley made a crop circle using boards, ropes, hats, and wires as their only tools: using a four-foot-long board attached to a rope, they easily create a circle of eight feet in diameter. The two men were able to make a circle as high as 40 feet (12 m) in 15 minutes.

This couple became frustrated when their work did not become famous, so in 1981 they created a circle at the Matterley Bowl, a natural amphitheater outside Winchester, Hampshire - an area surrounded by streets that can be clearly seen by the field available to the passing racer. Their design was originally a simple circle. When the newspaper claims that the circle can be easily explained by natural phenomena, Bower and Chorley make more complex patterns. A simple wire with a circle, hanging from a lid - a circle positioned above one eye - can be used to focus on a landmark to help make a straight line. Later crop circle design has become increasingly complicated.

Bower's wife suspected him and watched from a distance in their car. Finally, for fear that his wife suspected him, Bower admitted it and then he and Chorley told the British national newspaper. Chorley died in 1996, and Doug Bower had made a crop circle as recently as 2004. Bower said that, had it not been for his wife's suspicions, he would have kept it a secret on his deathbed, never revealed that it was a hoax.

alien, a group of crop circle makers founded by John Lundberg, demonstrated how to create crop circles that can fool many people and researchers. Scientific American published an article by Matt Ridley, who started crop circles in northern England in 1991. He wrote about how easy it was to develop techniques using simple tools that could easily fool subsequent observers. He reports "expert" sources such as the easily deceived Wall Street Journal and ponders why people trust supernatural explanations for phenomena that have not been explained.

The method for creating crop circles is now well documented on the Internet. On the night of 11-12 July 1992, a crop circle making competition was held, for prizes of several thousand British pounds (partly funded by the Arthur Koestler Foundation), held in Berkshire. The winning entries were produced by three helicopter engineers, using ropes, PVC pipes, trestles, and ladders. Other competitors use small park rollers, boards, and some rope.

Not everyone accepts the pattern as man-made, believing that many designs are too perfect and have no signs of human interaction. Among these critics was British-born astronomer Gerald Hawkins who, prior to his death, argued that some circles showed a level of complexity and accuracy that would be difficult to recreate on paper, especially in the field after dark. In response, the circle created by a group of humans is possible. They make complex designs by marking the fingers and angles with ropes, and to enter and move around the field using landscape and tractor features to avoid leaving other marks.

Researchers from crop circles have linked modern crop circles with ancient folklore stories to support the claim that the product was not artificially produced. Crop circles depend on culture: most appear in Western countries and Japan. Perhaps the most popular explanation for this crop circle appearance is related to the power of the earth. Most good and reputable patterns in England emerge in Wiltshire, around historic areas with high natural energy. They also often occur near ancient fortresses, burial mounds, standing stones and symbols of fertility because it gives the impression of affiliation with traditional British heritage. Indeed, many people are convinced of the power within the Earth that created them.

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