1 | Gil Perez
On October 23, 1593, Gil Perez, a Philippine palace guard soldier was on duty at the door of the palace of the governor of Manila. At that time the Philippine governor, Dasmarinas, was killed by Chinese pirates in Maluku. Suddenly he felt dizzy then leaned for a moment and closed his eyes. The next day he woke up and saw a different scene than usual he was surprised and looked confused. Unexpectedly he was at the Plaza Mayor in Mexico City, he was found by guards and claimed to have been on duty in the Philippines the day before. Finally he was arrested by Mexican authorities for being considered a witch and worshiping Satan. Perez refused to be considered a devil worshiper, he had explained his story to everyone but no one believed it. Two months later the Spanish merchant ship came with news of the killing of the Governor of the Philippines exactly as told by Perez. Finally all believe in Perez's statement and the story of Gil Perez becoming a legend until now. [source]
2 | Bus and Truck stray in the Blora Forest
On Thursday, June 22, 2012, the Pahala Kencana bus to Jakarta-Madura and Jaya Mix concrete trucks were crossing the Pantura Juwana-Rembang line due to traffic jams and the driver searched for an alternative road through Pati Regency. At first the driver thought he had entered the northern coast line, apparently they were in Gadogan forest in the village of Kedungbacin, Todanan, Blora Regency, Central Java. This forest is known as teak hills. The bus driver wanted to overtake the truck in front of him, but he held him back and told him to put the truck first. When starting the climb, the slip bus tires then slipped backwards and finally hit something. After the driver and the crew checked out they were shocked to find that they were in the middle of the forest trees at midnight. They woke up 33 passengers who were fast asleep and in the morning they sought help from local residents. Residents and local security forces were amazed how this bus could enter the forest even though there was no road and the condition of the bus did not scratch at all even though there were many tree branches. [source]
3 | Pedro Oliva Ramirez
On October 23, 1593, Gil Perez, a Philippine palace guard soldier was on duty at the door of the palace of the governor of Manila. At that time the Philippine governor, Dasmarinas, was killed by Chinese pirates in Maluku. Suddenly he felt dizzy then leaned for a moment and closed his eyes. The next day he woke up and saw a different scene than usual he was surprised and looked confused. Unexpectedly he was at the Plaza Mayor in Mexico City, he was found by guards and claimed to have been on duty in the Philippines the day before. Finally he was arrested by Mexican authorities for being considered a witch and worshiping Satan. Perez refused to be considered a devil worshiper, he had explained his story to everyone but no one believed it. Two months later the Spanish merchant ship came with news of the killing of the Governor of the Philippines exactly as told by Perez. Finally all believe in Perez's statement and the story of Gil Perez becoming a legend until now. [source]
4 | Wellesley Tudor Pole
In December 1952, the famous mystical Wellesley Tudor Pole had just got off the train. He wanted to return to his home in Sussex but when it was raining, there was no means of transportation passing, and the public telephone at the station happened to be damaged. It seems that he was destined to spend the night at the station waiting for the rain to subside. Finally he decided to rest at the station. Wellesley tried to match his watch with the clock at the station at 5:07 a.m., it was unclear what had happened at that moment suddenly he was on the porch of his house. He immediately confused absurdly, because the clothes were not wet, his shoes were not exposed to mud. That means he has never been rained. When he saw his watch, showed 6 right. It was impossible for him to travel to his house in just 3 minutes, because of the distance between his house and the station. He speculates that there was someone who accidentally teleported himself home without his knowledge, but he did not know how and why it happened. [source]
5 | Thomas S kessel
In 1956, a brewer named Thomas R. Kessell seemed to emerge from nowhere on a busy road in New York City. He explained that he had previously left a bar in Johannesburg, South Africa. And the next thing he knew suddenly had roamed the streets of New York. Given that the man did not have a passport and was unable to travel to another country, it was unclear how he could end there and this case remained a mystery. He claimed that he did not remember what happened between when he left the bar and appeared here. It may be understood why someone like Thomas Kessell who has experienced such experiences as interdimensional transportation experiences memory loss. Maybe an amnesia reaction is needed to survive. [source]
6 | Russian Teleportation
In the middle of a busy road in an instant someone appeared in the middle of the road, causing the container truck driver to slam the wheel snaking to avoid the teleporter. Luckily the teleporter survived, there was no expression of fear in this person. He just walked casually while stopping on the side of the road. The costume is like wearing a lab coat, like a scientist. Many people suspect that Russian president Vladimir Putin is secretly making teleportation technology being tested. The incident was successfully caught by a car's dashboard camera, someone uploaded it on Youtube. This is the most convincing proof of the existence of teleportation itself. Watch the video above carefully.
7 | Bicycle Teleportation
Another astonishing video was the parents of cyclists who turned their backs on one of the men who were chatting in front of the camera. It is very difficult to imagine how the driver can be seen in such a way. Some people think that the person is a cyclist who is turning back which was previously closed by the person in front of him. But not a trace of the cyclist before it appears, after all, the body covering it is also very narrow to hide it perfectly. Many people believe he is a person from the past who accidentally teleported.
Read also Phenomena on Earth That Can't Explained by Science