1 | Venus comes from the name of the goddess of love and beauty in Roman mythology. In addition, Venus also bears a resemblance to the Sanskrit Vanas, which means love and passion, the similarity allegedly caused by Proto-Indo-European influences.
2 | Venus is the second planet after Mercury, as well as the second brightest sky object after the Moon. With a magnitude of,64.6, the brightness of the planet can even produce shadows in dark places.
3 | Venus is the 2nd largest planet after Earth in the category of Terrestrial planets (planets that have a solid surface and atmosphere). Its diameter reaches 12,104 km and its mass is 4,8676 × 1024 kg or 81.5% of the Earth's mass.
4 | The inside of Venus is composed of a molten iron core, rocky mantle and silicate crust. Uniquely there are no tectonic plates on Venus, the surface is very hard because there is no water that reduces its viscosity.
5 | Days faster than in years. It's really strange, one day on Venus is the same as 243 days on Earth, strangely 1 year there lasts faster, which is 224.7 days. This makes Venus a planet with late rotation in the solar system.
6 | If we are in Venus the sun rises from the west because unlike planets in general, Venus rotates clockwise.
7 | Venus does not have a moon or a ring. The reason is still a mystery to astronomers.
8 | Venus's atmospheric pressure is 92 times stronger than Earth's. When an asteroid enters its atmosphere, it will be destroyed before reaching land. Venus's atmospheric pressure is proportional to underwater pressure.

9 | Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system, with an average surface temperature reaching 462 degrees Celsius. According to research, the main cause is 96.5 percent of the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere, causing the greenhouse effect.
10 | The satellite that made it to Venus was Venera 3 made by the Soviet Union which was launched in 1966 but lost contact before landing. Then followed by Venera 13 and 14 1981, this satellite managed to take pictures of the surface of Venus a few minutes before finally being destroyed by fire.
11 | Venus previously had oceans but has long since evaporated due to "global warming" that occurs on the planet. Volcanic activity and uninterrupted volcanic eruption are thought to be the main causes of rising atmospheric temperatures.
12 | Venus is the closest planet to Earth, with a distance of 41 million kilometers.
13 | Venus is often called the Earth sister or "Earth Sister", because of its almost the same size and diameter, and it was thought that it used to have the same environment as Earth-like the sea and land.
14 | Venus has a very small magnetic field, many scientists think Venus's magnetic field is as strong as Earth, but the facts don't say so. The cause is thought to be due to the absence of a solid core in it.
15 | There is a strange arc-shaped cloud structure. This structure was first photographed by the Japanese-made Akatsuki spacecraft in 2015. The structure stretches for 10,000 km at an altitude of 5 km. Scientists estimate the effect is caused by gravitational waves.

16 | Scorpion-like objects were discovered by Russian astronomer Leonid Ksanfomaliti when analyzing photographs of Venera 13 spacecraft shots in 1982. A difference in the position of objects in each photo indicates movement. Many speculate that this is another form of life on Venus (aliens?).
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