This phenomenon is often called an incorruptible body. For example as in the tradition of the Catholic Church where the bodies of the saints are still intact displayed in the aquarium chests. Their bodies are embalmed or coated wax to avoid corpse body damage.
Saint Bernadette Soubirous who died on 16 April 1879 |
Hamzah ra Corps 1400 tahun silam |
Corps 2150 years old |
Another more surprising story came from China, where a whole body was found in a crate buried in a depth of 20 meters. The chest was discovered by a citizen digging in Maantui hill, Changsa. They dug the ground as a hole to take cover in case of war, but who would have thought they would find a pile of wooden crates with the body of a woman. Once identified it turns out the age of the corpse has been 2150 years old. The corpse was found in intact condition with black hair, bulging eyes, and sticking tongue. The corpse is named Shinzui, now the corpse has been preserved by the Chinese government and placed in a glass coffin as a place of tourism.
Intact corpses phenomenon do not only happen to people who are considered sacred but in some places even people who are known with bad behavior such as prostitutes, terrorists, or other criminals that in fact a lot of sin.Then how this phenomenon can happen? according to science, there are several factors that affect such as the condition of the land where the bodies buried. For example, an alkaline soil that causes no oxygen, bacteria, worms, heat, light. The condition will certainly hinder the decomposition process so the corpse will not be damaged in a long time.
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